Standing on my soapbox

I 100% believe there are cures out there for the diseases that we face today. Cancer, there’s a cure for that; diabetes, that is simple, modify your diet and get some exercise. The pharmaceutical companies make too much money off of the drugs they product to “combat” the disease The side effects from these drugs are unbelievable; and then you need another drug to get rid of the problem the first drug caused . All the money that people donate to research, come on now! Hundreds of millions of dollars gets raised for one disease after another and there is never any cure.  As far as I am concerned, the government has a hand in this also. The government can’t make money off of natural remedies. But they can control which drugs get “approved” for use. No, I’m not promoting anyone’s book nor did I finish reading it.


As you know, I went through malignant melanoma last year; and if I had to go through chemo or radiation, I would not have done either. That would have required me to sacrifice quality of life for quantity. I prefer the quality. I also believe that if we would clean up our lives the aliments would not be plaguing us. Our diets have gone to hell. The quality of our food is crap and people are more sedentary now than they have ever been. When I was a child, we played outside until the street lights came on. Now, kids spend their time sitting in front of a computer or a game box eating a bag of chips and drinking soda! Americans have become so obese that we are laughed at by other countries. “The land of plenty” Yup, plenty fat!


If we would change our way of thinking, we would be better off all the way around. I have made several changes in my life and I am better off because of it. More changes are coming my way. I am stepping off my box now. But I will get back on it soon!


This is my journey…


3 Responses

  1. Patricia

    I wish diabetes was an easy cure simply by eating right and exericse. My brother passed away from diabetes and he wasn’t overweight and did exercise.I know several people that have diabetes and none are overweight and all are in the best shape. Donations are very important….to prevent, treat, and cure diabetes. Provide education, promote awareness, and advocate on behalf of diabetic patients.
    Donations to any research is a good thing.

    • Patricia, what I mean is our diet and lack of exercise is in my opinion, the reason there are so many illnesses today. I do know that some people get ill with no cause of their own. It just happens. So many people could be in better shape if they would take better care of themselves. We only have this one body. How we treat it will determine the quality of life it gives back to us. Unfortunately for some, they do take care of themselves, have never smoked, but end up with lung cancer. Always exercised and ate well and end up with a heart attack. And like your brother and sister, they didn’t do anything to deserve what they have. It just happens. They are the ones I feel bad for. Love ya!

      • Patricia

        Love ya too 🙂

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