Red Mountain Open Space, Colorado

North Co Road 23, Livermore, CO 80536

Colorado.  I’ve been here for five months and I can’t get enough of it.  The mountains, snow, people and outdoor activities.  I was told people come here for the mountains and stay for the summers.  I can’t imagine anything better than the mountains, but I will wait and see.


My consumption of the frosty beverage and eating out has all but stopped.  I have found something better to spend my money on.  Outdoor Gear.  I thought I HAD outdoor gear, until I came here.  The good stuff isn’t cheap and I want to buy it just once. “If you buy nice, you don’t have to buy twice!”  One of my favorite stores is Jax Outdoor Gear.  This store has EVERYTHING, and I mean everything.  I would like to say I’ve learned not to go in with my debit card, but I’m a slow learner.  All of the gear  I have purchased so far has been put to good use, and on each adventure, I realize there is more that I need/want.  The list keeps growing.

There is still plenty of snow in the mountains, in fact a little further south they are getting hammered with the white stuff today.  (Insert smile here.)  Ben and Ashley (my trainers) and I were going to Collegiate Peaks to climb one of the 14’rs.  The weather once again thwarted our plans.  I will have to wait until the summer months to attempt my first 14’r. (Hiking to elevations over 14,000 feet.)

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If you don’t feel like getting your winter gear out at the end of April, you can always find an excellent Open Space area to hike and explore, and you won’t have to venture far in Colorado to find one. What is an “open space?”  Any open piece of land that is undeveloped (has no buildings or built structures) and is accessible to the public.

Red Mountain Open Space was our destination for this hike.  The trail we took was 8 miles, and we tromped in the Wyoming territory for a short distance.

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I’m in awe everyday here! 🙂



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