Category Archives: Friends


It is said, “pride cometh before the fall”, and that is true. Wikipedia’s definition is this, Pride is an inward directed emotion that exemplifies either a high sense of one's personal status or ego (i.e., leading to judgments of personality and character) or the specific mostly positive emotion that is a product of praise or independent self-reflection. Philosophers and social psychologists have noted that pride is a complex secondary emotion which requires the development of a sense of self and the mastery of relevant conceptual...
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Summer already???!!!

In a previous post, I spoke about Spring in the South. Spring is one of my favorites, but it is always followed by the worst time of the year for me. Summer in Alabama! The heat is oppressive and the humidity unbearable. This time of the year clothes and make-up are a minimum. Don’t bother trying to make your hair look nice because it won’t. Last year my hair...
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