Last fall I received a letter in the mail, an actual letter, from my friend Henrietta, inviting me to their 125th anniversary of the Moravia Store.
I called Henrietta and said I would be there. Then I couldn’t go, then I could. I called Jim, another friend I met in Shiner, Texas, and said I would be there, but not to tell Henrietta. Then I couldn’t. (Yes, my plans change dailey!) I called Jim again and told of my bad news, he understood and said he would tell Henreitta and Frank I was planning on coming, but things changed. The next morning my plans changed again, and I was headed to Texas.
I spent the night just outside of Houston, in Kay Texas, after an eleven hour drive in an overloaded vehicle. The sun came up sooner than I wished and once again, I loaded up and headed west. I arrived in Moravia to find a large crowd partaking in the festivities by the noon hour.
I found Frank in the kitchen cookin’ up burgers, he said Henrietta was ’round back. The sun was high and already too hot for this northern chick when I spotted her and Jim looking at the antique tractors. I walked up next to her and said, “HI!” She looked at me, said, “Hello!” then continued looking at the tractors. Jim had a big grin on his face. Henrietta looked at me again for 20 seconds before her mouth fell open and said, “ALABAMA! I can’t believe you made it!”
I get to meet pretty cool people along the way, but these people are the BEST!
The Miller Lite was brought out for me. When in Texas, you drink Shiner. (Not me, I stay true to my homeland, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.)
When you are Czechoslovakian and you are having a big party, what kind of music do you play? Polka! Good times by the The Chris Rybak band.
They were singing “Moon Over Moravia.”
Once again, not the best pictures. There were a lot of frosty beverages that night.
Can’t wait to see y’all again!

Great story. If I am ever in that neck of the woods I will have to stop and see them. Looks like a good time was had.
They really are great people.
Just a BTW regarding Moravia…..
If you went up Highway 77 from Moravia and then turned west on High Hill Road, you would wind up in the community where my Dad was raised. Its also where the Demel clan holds its reunions (usually every 5 years). We hold them at St. Mary’s Catholic Church which is 1 of 8-10 “painted” Churches in the region. They are absolutely gorgeous and would be worth seeing if you’re ever in that area again. You can see the Churches (at least some of them) on line.
Have a good Sunday off.
(my Mom was Czech)