I’ve decided I want to blog more. Rather than just thinking about doing it, I’m starting right now.  I will be posting on this blog once a day  for all of 2011.

I know it won’t be easy, but it might be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful. Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers with similiar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments, likes, and good will along the way.

Nanette Cole


This is my journey…


2 Responses

  1. Janislyn

    Keep up the blogging! I have been thinking about you. We need you in traditional for your video talent! Also, when can I take the photo we talked about? Life has been kind of crazy for me lately. I need to jump off the “scrambler” and get on the merry go round instead! I admire your courage to make some changes in your life!

    • Thanks Janice! The blogging has taken place of TV. It is much more enjoyable. The sooner the better for the picture. I need it for another page I’m doing. I need to come over and admire your gorgeous deck! Let me know what is good for you!

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