Tag Archives: Thoughts

My Undying Love

Everyone who knows me knows I have an undying love for my phone. I have the Samsung Vibrant Android. This is my second Android phone. My first one was the G1 when it first came out. I thought my crackberry was cool, but the Android, OMG! What can’t it do? The only difference between my phone and the iPad is you...
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There is a reason for that.

Everything in our lives happens for a reason. The people who come into our lives whether for a passing moment, or for a lifetime, are there for a reason. Sometimes we know right away why that person has come into our lives, and other times, we will never know the reason. The same is true...
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Down the country road…

As I turned off of the paved road onto his dirt drive, I passed through the wooden gate.  And there he stood, in his blue jean overalls, Lacrosse duck boots with his pant legs stuck inside, white cotton t- shirt and cowboy hat.  His hair is white as snow, face unshaven with a long white...
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