“Time is money”, “You don’t get this time back”, “Time flies", “Spend time with those you love”, “Where did the time go?” Time, time, time. There is never enough time in a day, week, month, year, and lifetime. I wish I could get all the time back that I wasted, but I can’t. I have...
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My “I’m So Fricken Happy and You Can Be Too!” guide
- Keep it Simple
- Keep it Clean
- Laugh out Loud
- Talk to God
- Don’t try to keep up with the “Jones” unless you want their problems also.
- Spend time with those under 5 and over 75
- Enjoy the “little” things now. You will realize soon that they were the “big” things.
- Learn something new everyday
- Never quit!
- Spend time alone
- The grass may be greener on...
One Year Ago Today…

I am the woman your husband does not want you to have in your home. Your husband knows that when his wife calls me, and I tell her “how fabulous this will look”, he will have to take the wallet out. I am a Designer. That is my job and I have been in business...
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