Photo Friday: A Winter Wonderland

Franklin, WI 53132

Wisconsin winters.  I LOVE THEM!  I usually come home a couple of times a year, but when I drive up for Christmas, I always wish for a white Christmas.  I got what I wished for this year and because of it, I extended my visit an additional week. (Sorry Marlene and Tom!)

Welcome to my Winter Wonderland!


Can you say, PERFECT?!?


IMG_8350_edited-1For some reason, I never believe these signs, and feel the need to see if they are telling the truth.  This one was a lie.

IMG_8436_edited-1“Please, kind lady, will you refill our lunch trough?”

IMG_8413_edited-1The only way you could find the driveway was by staying between the orange poles that line the driveway. (For snowplow purposes.)

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What do you do on a golf course during the winter? Go sledding and cross-country skiing of course!



After trekking through knee-high snow to get this picture of a barn, I make it back to my car, boots filled with snow, when Callie started having a fit.

IMG_8451_edited-1 She had spotted this beautiful creature before I did.



Picnic tables and playgrounds waiting for summer.


The sign didn’t say anything about eating the plant material!


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I have loved this house from the first time I spotted it.  It is known as “The Field of Dreams.”  Next to the house is a private baseball field with a scoreboard and all, and I love the way they decorate for Christmas.  I made several passes, trying to find a place to stop and capture a picture without getting run over or my car stuck in the snow.  I went back to the house and asked my Uncle to help me.  He dropped me off at the entrance to their drive; I walked up the road in knee deep snow to the optimal spot for a photo.  My uncle Tom waited for me up the road.  When I started to cross the busy road, Tom turned my car around and drove back to pick me up.


When he pulled off the road onto the shoulder, MY CAR SANK! Up to my door!  After a couple of tries to get the car unstuck and it sliding and turning backward towards the ditch, he asked me to call Marlene and have her bring his wallet, “WHAT? You don’t have your wallet?!?” so we could call AAA to pull us out.  As I was hanging up my phone a car pulled up behind us, a young, burly man gets out and says, “Stuck?” I was nice, and said, “Yup!”  As we are trying to budge the car a mere inch, he looks down at my car tag. “OH! Alabama, eh?” “Yup, Alabama.”  Unbeknownst to him, the man DRIVING MY CAR is a born and bred Wisconsinite, not some silly Alabamian who doesn’t know how to drive in DEEP snow!  The guy whose home I took a picture of, saw the commotion across the street and brought two boards over.  We dug out the front tires and stuck the boards under them.  I found out my car is a rear wheel drive vehicle. Oh, the things you learn after owning something for what, seven years?  A third man pulls up to help push; I am now standing in the street directing traffic away from my car that is going to shoot out of the snow at the speed of light and, Voila! She is free!  I thank the men profusely,  jump in my car and laugh all the way back home.  Uncle Tom was not.

IMG_8498_edited-1IMG_8499_edited-1IMG_8505_edited-2 IMG_8506_edited-2 IMG_8507_edited-1I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and please stay safe this New Years Eve.  I look forward to what 2014 has in store for me, and I wish all of you the very best for the New Year!




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