Fall that is. My most favorite time of year. Cooler temperatures (that means below 90), college football (WAR EAGLE), leaves start changing,
hiking in the woods and most of all, camping. I could live in a tent for the rest of my life! (I think)
As I have said before, my windows were open starting February 15th and I kept them open until I moved. That means it was a rather toasty summer here in the South, and you know I’m not a fan of the heat. Actually, the heat isn’t so bad; it’s the dadgum humidity that kills me. Oh but fall is here!!! (Insert BIG smile here!)
Do you know that distinct woodsy aroma you smell in the forest after the leaves have fallen? I love that smell. And the smell of wood burning in the fireplace or pit. YUP! I love it!
This Thanksgiving I will be spending a week in a rustic cabin in the woods of one of Alabama’s State Parks, and I can’t wait. A week of peace and quiet, just me and my Callie Cole. I don’t even know if I will have cell service and I don’t care. I just hope I will be able to pick up the Auburn vs. Alabama game on that Saturday. If not, oh well, no big deal! I’ll be in the woods.
I use to hate seeing summer end because it seemed the first cold snap we would have would zap the tan right off of me. Seeing as I no longer lay in the sun, I don’t care. Bring it on. This is now jeans and hoodie weather, no more shorts and sleeveless shirts. I will say my winter wardrobe is a bleak contrast to my summer one. It’s nothing BUT jeans and Crocs.
One of my favorite things to do at this time of year is drive. Just drive. I will get up super early on Saturdays and go somewhere. It doesn’t matter where, just somewhere. With the sunroof open, stereo playing and a cool breeze in my face, a destination is not on my mind, the journey is.
The fall also means I cook more. It’s too hot to cook in the summer, you can grill but, heating up the oven is a no no. It is time for Red Chili, White Chili, Casseroles, Roasts that have been cooked all day, Chicken and Dumplings, Jambalaya with Cornbread, Roasted Chicken with Root Vegetables, Homemade soups, and the list is endless in the fall and winter. I think I gained a pound just thinking about it.
I love going to the Talladega National Forest in the early fall when the leaves are changing. Just driving up there you are awestruck.
The forests are utterly breathtaking with all of the red, gold, green and brown. Cheaha State Park is in the Talladega National Forest and is a beautiful place to see.
I usually go to Cheaha three or four times in the fall, it’s one of my faves.
Then there are all of the festivals, fairs and football parties. Oktoberfests, Arts & Craft Festivals, the Alabama State Fair, (I don’t ride the rides, I just eat), Haunted Hay Rides and Haunted Factories during Halloween. There is literally something to do every weekend right up until the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Then the holiday party season starts.
This is my journey…