Colorado. I've been here for five months and I can't get enough of it. The mountains, snow, people and outdoor activities. I was told people come here for the mountains and stay for the summers. I can't imagine anything better than the mountains, but I will wait and see.
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Photo Friday: The Tradition Continues!

Traditions. I don't have many anymore. My lifestyle is not conducive to keeping them, but one that was started last year will be continued for as long as I am alive or as long as they want to continue. I have named it, "Family time after the holidays are over." I gather my flock...
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I arrived in Colorado on November 23, and started work the 24th. I anxiously waited for Thanksgiving, not for the mouth-watering turkey leg and cornbread dressing, but for the simple fact I would have the day off and could be in the mountains. I was up before the sun (not hard to do in...
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Ol’ Lexie

No, I haven't fallen off of the earth, and NO, I haven't stopped traveling and writing. I've just been stupid crazy busy and haven't had much time to explore.
As most of you know, I became a CAT claims adjuster to finance my insatiable desire/need to travel. Usually the work would be for a couple of...
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