I am a Yankee. I was transplanted in the south 31 years ago after moving from Germany to Alabama. A few of the southern thangs, (there is no "i" in thangs down here) have rubbed off on me. Like, "HEY Y'ALL!" Then there is that wonderful concoction called sweet tea, and when you go out to...
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This time of year
Christmas, my all time, most favorite time of the year. I wish the feelings I have at Christmas would carry over to the other 11 months. What is it about this particular holiday that makes us feel this way?
For a few years, one...
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Stop your whining!
Why do we whine so much? I mean seriously, come on! We, as Americans, have it so much better than the majority of the world, and yet we are constantly whining.
I received a picture from a friend who is on vacation in Europe. The picture was of the stairs that they...
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The long way home.
This past Friday, Bruce and I decided to head back to Montgomery a day early. We spent the week in Wisconsin visiting my family and the whole time I was sick. And I mean SICK! Eleven days of being sick and on Friday I finally felt like a human again, and we leave...Sorry Marlene and Tom!
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