I remember phone numbers and birthdays. I don’t know how or why, but I do. My phone number when I was eight was 744.0814. Our number in Germany was 06533 4483. I count steps and stairs, and I don’t realize I am doing it until someone asks me a question and I lose count. There are 58 stairs leading up to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.
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GPS vs Rand McNally
When I am planning a trip, I enter the info into my phone’s GPS to get distance and time. I then get the Rand McNally out and look at the route my phone wants to take me. The GPS will not take you down the scenic byway or off the beaten path. The map will.
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Keeping it Healthy
Back in 2006 I had gotten up to the same weight I was when I gave birth to Cameron, 136 lbs. I was miserable and I finally had enough. I joined the YMCA again and hired a personal trainer to work with me three days a week. It took me a couple of months to...
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And my baby…
Marshall Cameron Cole, born June 7, 1990. I always wanted 2, 4 or 6 children, then God gave me a mini me in the male form. I stayed with the two. When I finally decided to have another child, I was scared to death of what could happen. I did not want to go through...
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