Cavendish is a tourist destination while visiting Prince Edward, Canada. With a central location on the North Shore, it is easy to get to from anywhere on the island. There is enough to do for a two-day get away with the kids, and the prices were very reasonable, you won't break the bank to have...
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Photo Friday: A Winter Wonderland
Wisconsin winters. I LOVE THEM! I usually come home a couple of times a year, but when I drive up for Christmas, I always wish for a white Christmas. I got what I wished for this year and because of it, I extended my visit an additional week. (Sorry Marlene and Tom!)
Welcome to my Winter...
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Natural Bridge Resort State Park, Kentucky
"Fanny?" Trenton asked.
"Yes dear?" I answered.
"Have you ever seen a snake while camping?" he asked.
"Sweetie, I promise you, I have NEVER seen a snake while I have been camping all of these years." I said
"Ok." he replied.
Trenton is my friend Betsey's, son. He is the first child I ever witnessed being born, and he has...
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Photo Friday: Bell Buckle, Tennessee
Bell Buckle, Tennessee has a population of 315 people, but on June 15, 2013, there were over 10,000 people walking along the streets. We were all there to partake in the RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival.
"RC Cola and Moon Pie Fest?" you are...
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