Driving down Highway 52, in the rolling hills of Northeastern Iowa, you will come to a town named Bellevue, which happens to sit on the banks of the Mississippi river. On the outskirts of this little town, high on the bluffs is Bellevue State Park.
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Natural Bridge Resort State Park, Kentucky

"Fanny?" Trenton asked.
"Yes dear?" I answered.
"Have you ever seen a snake while camping?" he asked.
"Sweetie, I promise you, I have NEVER seen a snake while I have been camping all of these years." I said
"Ok." he replied.
Trenton is my friend Betsey's, son. He is the first child I ever witnessed being born, and he has...
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Jumbo Pigs In a Blanket

It was a dark and stormy night....
No, really, it was! The entire time Trenton and I were in a tent, it rained! After the record-breaking heat wave I went through last summer while in a tent, I would rather have the rain. (Remember me telling you how much I hate the heat?) I felt bad...
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It’s funny now

On our first night in Missouri, Trenton and I stayed at the Mark Twain State Park, which is 45 minutes West of Hannibal.
The campground host warned me of raccoons when I was buying a bundle of wood and suggested I put the cooler and...
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