Patience. It is not a virtue I have, and I will not ask God for any. With my luck, I will be taught patience while in a traffic jam, gas light on, and I have to go potty. I like me just the way I am Thank-you!
BUT, I was told by a few people that...
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Mother’s Day
Several years ago, when my boys were 8 and 4, I received an apron for Mother's Day that they had made. It is nothing fancy, but it is my favorite because they made it.
A couple of years later, my boys woke...
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It was a wash.
Down Hwy 29 in Georgia, sits the town of Newnan. It is a small town of 30,000 people, with a beautiful Court House Square, and antebellum homes everywhere. It is home to the famous Sprayberry BBQ, thanks to Lewis Gizzard, and it is has the largest slave cemetery in the South.
To Your Health!
Down Hwy 82 in rural Alabama, there stands a large, tan, metal building, that produces something unique and very healthy. This building is owned by Peggy and Jeff Sutton, and they produce an organic sprouted flour.
"Sprouted flour," you ask? Yes, sprouted flour.
After several years of a stressful job and "just not feeling well," Peggy...
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