When I am planning a trip, I enter the info into my phone’s GPS to get distance and time. I then get the Rand McNally out and look at the route my phone wants to take me. The GPS will not take you down the scenic byway or off the beaten path. The map will.
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And my baby…
Marshall Cameron Cole, born June 7, 1990. I always wanted 2, 4 or 6 children, then God gave me a mini me in the male form. I stayed with the two. When I finally decided to have another child, I was scared to death of what could happen. I did not want to go through...
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It can wait…
“Time is money”, “You don’t get this time back”, “Time flies", “Spend time with those you love”, “Where did the time go?” Time, time, time. There is never enough time in a day, week, month, year, and lifetime. I wish I could get all the time back that I wasted, but I can’t. I have...
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One Year Ago Today…
