I have stood on my soapbox before and talked about the eating habits of Americans today, and how it has affected our health. I have also shared with you that I had gotten up to 136 pounds, which is more than I have ever weighed without being pregnant. The weight gain was a lack of exercise and slipping into poor...
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Ol’ Rex
Henderson, Alabama, population 80, and home to one fascinating man, Rex Locklar. As we pulled in and parked just past his old country store, he was waiting for us outside, seated on his bench watching the cars go by.
I introduced myself...Why?
How can I ask “why me” for the trials that come my way when I don’t ask “why me” when great things are bestowed upon me?
A dear friend of mine lost his daughter to a car accident yesterday. She graduated last June. I can not imagine...Making do.
After my divorce in 1995, I dated a man that lived in the country. He had never been married, and his furnishings were proof of his bachelor days . When I would go down to the farm for the weekend, I had to “make do” with what he had in the kitchen. It is amazing how creative...