Category Archives: Friends

Jalapeño Popper Bites

"Hi!  My name is Nanette and I'm a Pinterestholic!" I have said many a nights, "let me check Pinterest real quick..."  Four hours later I realize the time, reluctantly close my laptop and turn out the lights. On my latest Pinterest surfing adventure I came across a recipe for Jalapeño Popper Bites.  Being a huge fan of Jalapeño Poppers,...
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Photo Friday: Bell Buckle, Tennessee

Bell Buckle, Tennessee has a population of 315 people, but on June 15, 2013, there were over 10,000 people walking along the streets.  We were all there to partake in the RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival. IMG_7772_edited-1 "RC Cola and Moon Pie Fest?" you are...
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