As I walked through the atrium to the production meeting this morning, I got a
lump in my throat. I was going to the last production meeting I would be attending for the church I have been a part of since 1981,
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Bet you ain’t been to an auction like this before!

Last year I told you about a little restaurant in Eclectic, Alabama, Where everyone knows your name. I had such a great time there that I went back to shoot a video of the place, The Kountry Kitchen. I recently learned of another little gem in this small town, The Chicken Auction. Yes,...
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As I say “Good-bye” to 2011…

I joyously welcome 2012! I decided, and said, 2011 was going to be an exceptional year for me, and it was.
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My year started out by spending New Years with my cousin, Michelle, in Orlando. That was a great time with my...
This time of year

Christmas, my all time, most favorite time of the year. I wish the feelings I have at Christmas would carry over to the other 11 months. What is it about this particular holiday that makes us feel this way?
For a few years, one...
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