A Sunday Funday postponed due to the weather. This is a first. Colorado boasts over 320 days of sunshine, and this is my first Sunday to have to change my plans. No big deal, I just roll with it and do what I do best. I Cook.
This morning I threw this together, literally.
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Photo Friday: The Tradition Continues!

Traditions. I don't have many anymore. My lifestyle is not conducive to keeping them, but one that was started last year will be continued for as long as I am alive or as long as they want to continue. I have named it, "Family time after the holidays are over." I gather my flock...
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The friendliest people are in State Parks.

Driving down Highway 52, in the rolling hills of Northeastern Iowa, you will come to a town named Bellevue, which happens to sit on the banks of the Mississippi river. On the outskirts of this little town, high on the bluffs is Bellevue State Park.
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That was quick!

Another year is about to end, and for me, it is ending too quickly.
Did I do everything I said I would do this year? I believe so.
Did I find something to marvel at? Definitely!
Did I meet interesting people? Yes.
Did I go to amazing places? Of course!
Did I eat incredible food? Always.
The year started out with...
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